Benefits of Preventive Maintenance Software

Cost savings

  • Reduced reactive maintenance costs
  • Extended asset life cycles
  • Efficient inventory management
  • Enhanced production efficiency

Increased productivity

  • Effective resource scheduling
  • Less emergency repairs
  • Reduced downtime
  • Improved manpower forecasts

Stress reduction and proactive planning

  • Early issue identification
  • Optimised maintenance processes
  • Streamlined preventive maintenance planning
  • Proactive approach to asset management
Benefits of Preventive Maintenance Software
Our Best Preventative Maintenance Management Features

All-in-one preventive maintenance (PM) solution from Fabrico – tailored to your needs, easy to use and intuitive. Your perfect assistant in maintenance operations with robust features.

Generišite ponavljajuće zadatke preventivnog održavanja

Pomoću Fabrica možete kreirati grupe identičnih zadataka koji će se ponavljati u određenim intervalima. Ponavljajuće zadatke je lako uočiti u interfejsu aplikacije. Možete da primenite filtere u kalendaru da biste imali potpuni pregled procesa održavanja. 

Štaviše, fleksibilnost Fabrica vam omogućava da efikasno raspodelite resurse dodeljivanjem određenih članova tima svakom ponavljajućem zadatku unutar grupe. Ovo osigurava da su odgovornosti jasno definisane, promovišući odgovornost i saradnju unutar vašeg tima za održavanje.

Pored toga, možete dodati u kreiranje zadatka kontrolnu listu, dodatne datoteke ili bilo koje dodatne beleške. Ove funkcije poboljšavaju prilagođavanje zadataka, omogućavajući vam da pružite detaljna uputstva ili referentne materijale direktno u Fabrico.

Generišite ponavljajuće zadatke preventivnog održavanja
Pametno raspoređivanje frekvencije zadataka

Periodični zadaci se mogu ponavljati dnevno, nedeljno ili mesečno. Fabrico vam omogućava da zakažete svaki detalj pravila periodičnosti, kao što su Prvi datum, Datum završetka grupe, Tolerancija, Tip perioda, Frekvencija i još mnogo toga.

Možete čak i zakazati zadatke koji se ponavljaju jednom u dva meseca svakog drugog utorka u mesecu.

Imajte na umu da će svi zadaci u grupi biti popunjeni do kraja godine na osnovu datih postavki periodičnosti. Nakon toga, svaki pojedinačni zadatak u ovoj grupi može biti modifikovan ili izbrisan, kao i sama grupa.

Pametno raspoređivanje frekvencije zadataka
Pogledaj sve periodične zadatke

Uz pomoć grupnih filtera u kalendaru, možete dobiti sveobuhvatan pregled svih zadataka planiranih za određeni period filtriranih po sredstvima.

Njihova upotreba ne samo da povećava vidljivost za tehničare, već i omogućava menadžerima da strateški procenjuju i raspoređuju resurse. Sticanjem pogled na planirane zadatke iz ptičje perspektive, menadžment može efikasno planirati radnu snagu, osiguravajući da je osoblje na odgovarajući način raspoređeno na osnovu skupova veština i radnih opterećenja. Ovaj proaktivni pristup minimizira uska grla i optimizuje korišćenje resursa, doprinoseći pojednostavljenijem i isplativijem održavanju.

Pogledaj sve periodične zadatke
Analizirajte podatke sa namenskim izveštajima

Uz robusno izveštavanje, Fabricov program preventivnog održavanja (PM) omogućava vam da pratite zdravlje vaše opreme tokom vremena. Ovo vam pomaže da identifikujete potencijalne probleme pre nego što postanu veći problemi i donose odluke zasnovane na podacima o zadacima planiranja preventivnog održavanja.

Fabrico poseduje namenski meni Izveštaji koji pruža menadžmentu sa centralizovanim i sveobuhvatnim pogledom na ključne pokazatelje učinka (KPI). Kartica Analitika sažima složene podatke u vizuelno privlačne grafikone i grafikone, nudeći na prvi pogled razumevanje zdravlja opreme, trendova održavanja i korišćenja resursa. Ova pojednostavljena prezentacija analitike omogućava menadžmentu da brzo proceni ukupnu efikasnost programa preventivnog održavanja i donese informisane odluke za dalju optimizaciju operativnih procesa.

Analizirajte podatke sa namenskim izveštajima
Proverite godišnji plan preventivnog održavanja

Ovaj izveštaj pruža dragocene uvide u istoriju održavanja svakog sredstva i pomaže vam da odluke o budućem održavanju opreme na osnovu podataka. Takođe otkriva da li se sva sredstva podvrgavaju redovnom održavanju, smanjujući rizik od neočekivanih kvarova i zastoja. 

U ovom pogledu, imate mogućnost da vidite i sortirate mašine po lokaciji, kao i filter za mašine sa zadacima. Generisanje godišnjeg plana preventivnog održavanja za narednu godinu je jednostavno kao pritiskom na dugme. Automatski će generisati jedan za vas sve dok ste prethodno detaljno pregledali sve zadatke koji se ponavljaju.

Proverite godišnji plan preventivnog održavanja
What Happens When You Choose Fabrico's Preventive Maintenance Management Software
  • Put an end to costly repairs and reduce downtime

Our easy-to-use planned preventative maintenance software is designed to eliminate constant asset malfunctions and help you reduce costs. By implementing our CMMS solution, you lower the need for frequent mending, which leads to substantial downtime reduction and cost savings.

  • Manage preventive maintenance operations with ease

With an advanced tool like Fabrico, you empower your organization by modernising maintenance operations. Our intuitive solution addresses your specific maintenance needs. You easily control preventive work decision-making processes. Higher machine uptime due to the right decisions improves equipment reliability. This leads to better overall plant productivity.

  • Keep track of maintenance through planning

By leveraging Fabrico's PM software, you can create a preventive maintenance plan that aligns with your machine servicing needs. Anticipate maintenance needs, conduct planned inspections and make well-informed decisions about production processes. Stay ahead of the game with a maintenance plan tailored to your specific operational standards.

  • Automatically assign maintenance jobs

Easily create work orders and allocate maintenance jobs to the most suitable personnel. Automating maintenance operations ensures optimal resource utilisation and timely completion of servicing activities. You also improve workflow and overall productiveness. Experience the benefits of seamless task assignment and rest assured that all maintenance jobs are promptly addressed.

  • Monitor machine condition for optimal performance

Take the guesswork out of your processes. Monitor and manage assets precisely to sustain optimal operational performance at all times. Our condition monitoring system for predictive maintenance gives access to real-time insights into the health and performance of your machinery. This allows you to detect potential issues before they escalate further. You can verify that your equipment operates at peak performance levels by continuously monitoring machine conditions.

  • Custom reporting to stay on top of key performance indicators (KPIs)

Our maintenance management system offers custom reporting to keep you informed and in control of key performance indicators (KPIs). With tailored reporting, you gain insights into crucial metrics and performance benchmarks that matter most to your business. Our smart reports help you track progress, notice trends and identify areas for improvement. They allow you to visualise and analyse data to support your decision-making process.


What is a preventative maintenance system?

A preventative maintenance system is software for planned maintenance that identifies potential issues in equipment, machinery or infrastructure before they lead to costly failures.

What is the major goal of preventive maintenance?

The major goal of preventive maintenance is to proactively maintain equipment to prevent failures, increase uptime and extend assets' lifespan.

What are AM and PM maintenance?

Autonomous maintenance (AM) assigns the responsibility for equipment maintenance to operators. Preventive maintenance (PM) is conducted by maintenance workers.

How can Fabrico CMMS preventive maintenance reduce costs?

Our CMMS software helps reduce costs by automating maintenance activities, optimising repair expenses and reducing costly downtime. It enables maintenance teams to streamline their processes and increase productivity, leading to significant cost savings in the long run.

How user-friendly is Fabrico's preventive maintenance software?

Our preventive maintenance software is extremely easy to use, with a simple and intuitive interface. It offers a seamless user experience whether monitoring asset conditions, creating work orders or accessing real-time data. Fabrico's simple maintenance program digitises regular maintenance task visibility, making it easy for technicians to track them.

Kako mogu da zakažem periodične zadatke?

Fabrico nudi veliku fleksibilnost u pogledu periodične frekvencije. Ponavljajući zadaci mogu se zakazati na dnevnoj, nedeljnoj ili mesečnoj bazi sa nekim dodatnim finim podešavanjima na osnovu učestalosti pojavljivanja.

Mogu li unapred definisati kada periodični zadaci treba da prestanu?

Možete unapred definisati datum završetka grupe. Ovo će definisati najnovije moguće pojavljivanje periodičnih zadataka iz iste grupe.

Does Fabrico CMMS offer a mobile app?

Yes, we offer a mobile app that provides on-the-go access to work orders and real-time updates. The app allows maintenance team members to stay connected and manage maintenance activities from anywhere, enhancing overall effectiveness. They also get instant notifications for preventive maintenance work tasks or emergency repairs straight to their assigned mobile device.

Can Fabrico preventive maintenance software help in minimising reactive maintenance?

Yes, Fabrico's online preventive maintenance software is designed to help minimise reactive maintenance (due to sudden equipment malfunctions). It automates maintenance requests and helps with work order management. By reducing unplanned downtime, businesses prevent expensive repairs and improve overall production efficiency.

Who needs preventive maintenance management?

Preventive maintenance management can be applied in many industries, including:

  • Manufacturing plants
  • Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)
  • Food and Beverages
  • Electronics
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Textiles
  • Furniture
  • Machinery
  • Glass Manufacturing
  • Metal Manufacturing

Deploying preventive maintenance tracking software can help them streamline equipment maintenance processes and avoid production delays due to machine malfunctions.

How do I create a preventive maintenance plan?

You can use preventive maintenance software to facilitate the planning and execution of maintenance tasks. Such tools help you schedule maintenance activities, track work orders and generate reports for analysis.

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